The Sam Spallucci Books

From bondage-loving banshees to vexed vampires, from paranoid poltergeists to fastidious phantoms. The adventures of Sam Spallucci, Lancaster's beleaguered investigator of the paranormal are a quirky blend of urban fantasy, film noir and humour, designed to have you chuckling on the sofa with amusement before hiding behind it with fear.

Casebook of Sam Spallucci

The Casebook of Sam Spallucci

When we start a new job, all we normally encounter is an overbearing supervisor, jealous co-workers and a dodgy toilet that needs that certain wiggle to make it flush. During Sam's first week, based in the small university city of Lancaster, he is abducted by a cult of Satanic actors, has to baby-sit a new-born vampire, investigates a teenage poltergeist and escapes the clutches of a werewolf that works in a local zoo. Not your usual first week on a new job, but certainly one you will never forget.

Sam Spallucci: Ghosts From The Past

Sam Spallucci: Ghosts From The Past

Sam Spallucci is back and this time he is approached by his ex-girlfriend, Caroline Adamson, to investigate the mysterious self-help cult Credete which has clawed her son into its seductive grasp. At first Sam dismisses Caroline's claims as fanciful but when he encounters an old face from his past and people start to die, he realises that there might be more to the group and its powerful leader than he had first thought. 

Sam Spallucci: Shadows of Lancaster

Sam Spallucci: Shadows of Lancaster

Having survived a week that never was, Sam is hoping to settle down to a more relaxing lifestyle involving Lucky Strike cigarettes and a smooth bourbon in his favourite public house. However, a frustrated grotesque from the roof of a local church is only the start of a new set of problems. From bondage-loving banshees to marauding mummies, the unfortunate Sam is dragged kicking and screaming into a world of historical hatred and prejudice as old family feuds are reawakened and one of Lancaster's loveable characters becomes the centre of a witch hunt.

Sam Spallucci: Dark Justice

Sam Spallucci: Dark Justice

Sam Spallucci is again drawn back into the dark world of the Lancaster's supernatural underworld. Exsanguinated bodies of local criminals are starting to pile up and the press are blaming the so-called Vigilante Vampire. To some he’s a menace; to others he’s a hero. All Sam knows is that a rogue Child of Cain is on the loose in his beloved city of Lancaster. To make matters worse, there is competition in the form of a smooth talking, younger paranormal investigator and disturbing dreams centred around a shadowy figure from the future who is set on bringing about the apocalyptic devastation that is the Divergence.

The Case of The Belligerent Bard

The Case of The Belligerent Bard

In this short story, originally written for the Bard By the Beach Festival, Sam Spallucci is dragged kicking and screaming to an amateur production of Macbeth. If this was not bad enough, he suddenly finds himself frocked and lost in sixteenth century England with a rapidly diminishing chance of ever getting home.

Casebook of Sam Spallucci

Sam Spallucci: Troubled Souls

When a dejected Sam attempts to get his increasingly complex life back on track, the shady world of the supernatural continues to conspire against him. As if a ghost dressed as a Cherokee chieftain or an entity from another universe aren’t enough to throw a couple of random spanners into the already struggling works, then a dabbling diminutive angel obsessed with Sam’s destiny proves just too much to handle. Plus, when you throw into the mix a crazed killer who is obsessed with a series of gruesome murders from Victorian Morecambe, you can expect another round of quirky and fantastical adventures for Lancaster’s beleaguered investigator of the paranormal.

Casebook of Sam Spallucci

Sam Spallucci: Bloodline

In his sixth adventure, Sam Spallucci: Bloodline, Lancaster’s whiskey drinking, chain smoking investigator of the paranormal faces his toughest challenge yet — a shadowy cabal of werewolves that are led by a supposedly benevolent building magnate by the name of Vincent Stone. On the face of it, Stone’s construction of a thoughtfully crafted suburban paradise down on the Quayside of the city in the north west of the United Kingdom appears to be a godsend for the local area, but the charismatic leader of the Bloodline of Abel has darker designs on the city.

Fury of the Fallen

Sam Spallucci: Fury of the Fallen

The latest adventures of Lancaster's beleaguered paranormal investigator are now ready to be added to your collection.
See him go up against a ghost who has designs upon the local tour guide industry, possessed literature and an over-generous genie before taking on two fallen angels who really do not have his best interests at heart.

Pillaging Pirates

Sam Spallucci: The Case of the Pillaging Pirates

When Sam’s best friend drags him off on an impromptu holiday to a small island off the west coast of Scotland, he expects the worse that could possibly happen would be delays along the scenic route past the Largs Pencil Monument or a funny look from Maurice the Sheep.
What he encounters, though, is a small island overwhelmed with pirate wannabes awaiting the arrival of a ghostly galleon.

Sam Spallucci Omnibus: Volume One

The Sam Spallucci Omnibus: Volume One

When he sets up shop as a paranormal investigator for the small city of Lancaster in the sleepy north-west of England, Sam Spallucci expects life to present him with pensioners who think their cats are possessed by their late husbands, decorative lamps from the 1960s that inexplicably turn themselves on and toilets that randomly flush themselves when no one is looking.
What he doesn’t expect is to be drawn into an eternal battle between warring cosmic forces as a shadowy figure prepares to bring about the decimation of humanity.
It’s no wonder that he drinks and smokes far too much…

This omnibus edition sees the first three outings for Lancaster’s beleaguered investigator (The Casebook of Sam Spallucci, Sam Spallucci: Ghosts From the Past, Sam Spallucci: Shadows of Lancaster) collected together for the first time.

Sam Spallucci Omnibus: Volume Two

The Sam Spallucci Omnibus: Volume Two

Welcome to the second collection of books from the weird and wonderful adventures of Lancaster’s very own fictional paranormal investigator, Samuel C Spallucci.
After calling it a day after the brutal climax of Shadows of Lancaster, Sam is dragged back into the shadowy world of his supposedly sleepy town in the northwest of England. This time, he crosses swords with a vigilante vampire and power-hungry werewolves as well as taking a side trip to Victorian Morecambe to settle a score with a time-travelling serial killer.
There truly is no rest for the weary…

This omnibus edition sees the following outings for Lancaster’s beleaguered investigator compiled together for the first time: Sam Spallucci: Dark Justice, Sam Spallucci: The Case of the Belligerent Bard, Sam Spallucci: Troubled Souls and Sam Spallucci: Bloodline).

The Sam Spallucci Expanded Universe

Sam's world doesn't stop at the end of his books. Read the stories of other characters from Sam's world as they follow their own paths and encounter their own adventures.

Sam Spallucci: Bloodline - Prologues & Epilogue

Sam Spallucci: Bloodline - Prologues & Epilogue

In Sam Spallucci: Bloodline - Prologues & Epilogue, journey into the stories that led up to Sam’s confrontation with those who would wreak havoc upon the city that he calls home, with the short stories Orion’s Child, Orion’s Hunter and Disquiet Mind. Then take a brief glimpse into the aftermath of the carnage with A Late Night Drink.

Children of Cain

Children of Cain: A Vampire Omnibus

Follow Justice the Wild West gunslinger as he tries to come to terms with his newfound supernatural abilities and heavy weight of being a king in waiting. Then, when finally reunited with his father and newborn sister, tragedy strikes. Accompany Nightingale, the all too human regent, as she creates her first offspring before attempting to train him to shrug off his own human nature. Go out for a night on the tiles with party-loving Scorpion and Tigress, the mute blonde and the bouncy redhead, as they hunt down an unsuspecting victim, before travelling back in time to when their supernatural lives crashed into the peaceful solitude of a mediaeval craftsman.

Songbird: A Nightingale Story

Songbird: A Nightingale Story

Follow a young Nightingale through the late Victorian era as she escapes from abject poverty to become the ruler of the secretive vampire society known to its members as the Children of Cain. She travels from begging on the streets to a life of servitude under a sadistic parish priest before being liberated under the light of the moon by the vampire king, Doulos. With her new father, she travels to the Wild West in search of her older sibling, only to be cast into a tale of tragedy and bloodshed.

High Moon

High Moon

A mysterious stranger arrives in Salem on the night train. He appears to be a gunslinger, but when he challenges the town's corrupt sheriff, it appears that all is not as it seems.

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Harry Dent, the office sleaze at Macintyre Papers, answers an ad in a lads' mag that offers him a night of passion with two beautiful women.
However, the illicit rendez-vous does not go as planned due to the girls in question packing quite a "bite".

The Adventures of Bobby Normal

The Adventures of Bobby Normnal

Journey with teenage orphan Bobby through the devastated world known as the Divergent Lands. Over the course of five complete stories find yourself drawn ever deeper into a world of violence and conspiracy as the human race tries to throw off the yoke of the being that reduced them to a pitiful remnant: Kanor - the Black Dragon.

Bobby Normal and the Eternal Talisman

Bobby Normal and the Eternal Talisman

Two young orphans living in a post-apocalyptic land are tasked with delivering a precious artefact that is supposed to bring about the downfall of their world’s tormentor. However, danger constantly lies in their path and no one can be trusted as they set out upon their quest.
Set in the far distant future of the world of paranormal investigator Sam Spallucci, Bobby Normal and the Eternal Talisman gives a tantalising glimpse into the world post-Divergence, where Kanor rules supreme.

Bobby Normal and the Virtuous Man

Bobby Normal and the Virtuous Man

Bobby and his feisty kid sister Katy are back for a second adventure in the post-apocalyptic world of the Divergent Lands, set far in the future of the world of paranormal investigator, Sam Spallucci.
Having successfully delivered the Eternal Talisman to the Virtuous Man, the orphans are now drawn into a deadly assault on a group of Kanor’s foot soldiers — the bloodthirsty golems known as constructs. Jason, the Virtuous Man, claims that it is a plan that cannot fail and will lead to people rising up against their dark overlord. However, Bobby is not too sure.

Bobby Normal and the Children of Cain

Bobby Normal and the Children of Cain

The adventures of Bobby and Katy continue as they travel across the Divergent Lands. Now accompanying the Children of Cain, vampires who failed in their oath to protect humanity, they are drawn even further into the hunt for the true Virtuous Man.
However, there is a problem. The supposed saviour of humanity, one Sam Spallucci, was supposed to have died two thousand years ago.
Plus, to make matters worse, tragedy and betrayal lurk just around the corner.

Bobby Normal and The Fallen

Bobby Normal and The Fallen

Return, for the penultimate time, to the Divergent Lands where the decimator of humanity, Kanor, rules supreme. Journey with teenage orphan Bobby as he enlists the help of a zealous vampire and a reluctant archangel in a daring attempt to rescue his sister, Katy, from the insidious clutches of the Lady of the Sea, the fallen angel Asherah.
As Bobby tries to pry his sister from the grasp of the seductive Fallen he will encounter all manner of trials and tribulations. There will be wild dogs, soulless golems known as constructs, shadow wraiths and even an attack sheep called Maurice…

Bobby Normal and the Black Dragon

Bobby Normal and the Black Dragon

Fate is snapping at the heels of orphan Bobby Normal in this, the last instalment of the five stories set in the post-apocalyptic world of the Divergent Lands.
Having lost his sister Katy to the clutches of the fallen angel Asherah and then parted ways with Claw, the sole-surviving member of the vampiric Children of Cain, Bobby encounters the enigmatic three-in-one personification of the Abyss, the omniscient ocean that encompasses the three Realms.
Bobby may be desperate to escape the world of treachery, plots and death that presently makes his life a misery, but the Abyss has other plans for him. She draws the teenager even further into the shadowy conspiracy against Kanor, the Black Dragon, saying that, in order to save the world, Bobby needs to save a man who died two thousand years ago…

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